Buying Ski Boots on the Internet.

Ski Boots, time to buy new ones

Good to be in Your Shoes.

pop quiz: the lyric above is from what song and artist? clue: well it would have been good in the 80s.

Read ‘The Best Ski Boots: Why Do I Need New Ski Boots‘ first.

The internet is great place to shop. Where else can you find every ski boot made and chase down where to go buying ski boots to get bargain prices, all without leaving the comfort of the pub!

foot x-ray, for perfect ski boot fit

However the human foot is complicated. It should have 26 bones, 33 joints, more than 100 muscles, tendons and ligaments*.

I’ve not counted mine, but I do know that my left foot is longer and wider than my right (breaking a metatarsal didn’t help). Both are pretty flat but quite wide. I could go on – but you get the picture. How on earth can I expect to choose something out of a catalogue and expect a good fit!

Even if I do get lucky, and think I have got the best ski boots for me. What about those subtle adjustments a good fitter can make to personalise the boot to my foot?

Don’t mistake comfort for fit. It’s all too easy to buy ski boots that are a little too roomy. Once they bed in and change to the shape of your foot they’ll  leave you cranking the buckles tighter and tighter just to try get a snug fit.

  • Do you really know how a well-fitted ski boot feels?
  • Or how much flex you need?
  • How many different ski boots have you even worn – including rentals?

If you do know, then you’re probably a professional skier and already have your ski boots fitted. If like the rest of us the answers are no, not really; get advice on buying ski boots from a professional ski boot fitter.

So when you’ve been professionally fitted for a pair of the best ski boots for you, head over to the best ski resorts website to decide where to take them for a run.

*reference: Foot Anatomy by Health Communities

pop trivia: in 1984 Nik Kershaw was asking ‘Wouldn’t it be Good?‘; his first hit single and the track he sang at ‘Live Aid’ in 1985.
Ski Pole

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